Visitors to Houston’s Johnson Space Center can step back in time to the day of the moon landing, thanks to a meticulously restored Mission Control.

For the last 20 years, the room had remained mostly unvisited and unused, until the Johnson Space Center’s historic preservation officer, Sandra Tetley, began raising money to refurb the space.

Replica of NASA's mission control Apollo 11 launch
Courtesy NASA

The project was six years in the making and involved interviewing original flight directors and exploring NASA’s archives of photos, film and blueprints to return the room to its 1969 state. Computer consoles were reunited with their historic displays and buttons, and original mugs and ashtrays sourced from members of staff as well as online auction sites.

Courtesy NASA
Courtesy NASA
Detail of the computer consoles, restored for the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing
Courtesy NASA

See how it compares with the original, below.

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